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RoyalMu x3000 64Online
RoyalMu x9999 72Online

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    Server Information

    RoyalMU Server 3000x Opening 26 May

    15:00 Server Time(UK - UTC+1); 11:00 Argentina; 14:00 Poland; 21:00 Vietnam; 22:00 Philippines


    - Server Version: Season 6 Episode 19
    - Experience: 3000x
    - Master Experiecne: 300x 
    - Item Drop: 50% 
    - Points Per Level: 5/7
    - Maximum Stats: 32767
    - Keep Stats: No
    - Maximum Level: 400
    - Maximum Master Level: 1200
    - Maximum Resets: 200

    - Max Acc/IP+Hwid: 3



    Note: We have new features as: New Items , New Pets , New Maps , New Bosses


    - Blood Angel up to Lightning Items.


    - Many new pets and mounts such as Medusa , Nix , Selupan , Tibetton (Mount) , Repen (Mount) , Ice Dragon (Mount) and much more.


    - Added new maps: Gray Aida , Temple of Arnil , Old Kethotum , Kanturu Underground , Ignis Vulcanus , Bloody Tarkan , Tormenta Island.


    - Added new Bosses and new Golden Monsters such as: Lord Of Ferea , God Of Darkness , Lord Silvester , Goldens: Underground Twin Tale , Magma Hook , Bloody Tantalos , Storm Reaper.



    Vip Information


    Vip Info: (N) - Normal , (B) - Bronze , (S) - Silver , (G) - Gold

    Drop Rate: (N) - 50% , (B) - 60% , (S) - 70% , (G) - 80%

    Experience Rate: (N) - 3000x , (B) - 3500x , (S) - 4000x , (G) - 4500x



    Reset Information

    Wcoins[C] Per Reset : (N) - 3 , (B) - 4 , (S) - 5 , (G) - 6

    1-5 Reset - (N) - 400LVL [40 ML Zen] [1200P] , (B) - 390LVL [30ML Zen] [1400P] , (S) - 380LVL [20ML Zen] [1600P] , (G) - 360LVL [10ML ZEN] [1800P]

                                  6-10 Reset - (N) - 400LVL [60 ML Zen] [1400P] , (B) - 390LVL [50ML Zen] [1600P] , (S) - 380LVL [30ML Zen] [1800P] , (G) - 360LVL [20ML ZEN] [2000P]

                                  11-20 Reset - (N) - 400LVL [80 ML Zen] [1600P] , (B) - 390LVL [70ML Zen] [1800P] , (S) - 380LVL [50ML Zen] [2000P] , (G) - 360LVL [30ML ZEN] [2200P] 

                                  21-40 Reset - (N) - 400LVL [100 ML Zen] [1800P] , (B) - 390LVL [90ML Zen] [2000P] , (S) - 380LVL [70ML Zen] [2200P] , (G) - 360LVL [40ML ZEN] [2400P]

                                  41-80 Reset - (N) - 400LVL [120 ML Zen] [2000P] , (B) - 390LVL [110ML Zen] [2200P] , (S) - 380LVL [90ML Zen] [2400P] , (G) - 360LVL [50ML ZEN] [2600P]

                                  81-120 Reset - (N) - 400LVL [140 ML Zen] [2200P] , (B) - 390LVL [130ML Zen] [2400P] , (S) - 380LVL [110ML Zen] [2600P] , (G) - 360LVL [60ML ZEN] [2800P] 

                                  121-200 Reset - (N) - 400LVL [160 ML Zen] [2400P] , (B) - 390LVL [140ML Zen] [2600P] , (S) - 380LVL [120ML Zen] [2800P] , (G) - 360LVL [70ML ZEN] [3000P]


    Create Character Info

    MG,DL,SUMM,RF - (N) 260 LVL , (B) 240 LVL , (S) 220 LVL , (G) - 0 LVL


    We will update the information more with the upcoming days, stay in touch.

    RoyalMU Team










    Posted 26-05-2024