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RoyalMu x3000 64Online
RoyalMu x9999 72Online

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    Server Rules

    IMPORTANT: All registered users of RoyalMu Community must agree with every point of these rules. Disagreement with at least one paragraph of these rules, prohibits the use of this website, discord, facebook, game server and life in the world of RoyalMu Community.

    Privacy Policy

    What information do we collect?
    • We collect information from you when you register on our website or place an order.
    • When ordering or registering on our website, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your name or e-mail address.
    • You may, however, visit our website anonymously.

    What do we use your information for?
    • To personalize your experience - your information helps us to better respond to your individual needs.
    • To improve our website - we continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you.
    • To improve customer service - your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs.
    • To process transactions - your information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without your consent, other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested.

    How about log files and Cookies?
    • Your privacy is important to us. Log files are maintained and analyzed for all requests for files on this website's web servers.
    • Log files do not capture personal information, but do capture the user's IP address, which is automatically recognized by our web servers.
    • This website does not store any information that would, on its own, allow us to identify individual users of this service without their permission.
    • Any cookies that may be used by this website are used either solely on per session basis or to maintain user preferences. Cookies are not shared with any third parties.

    PK rules:

    • Non-stop PKing only one or some specific group of players every day is not allowed or can be banned for 1 day.
    • Non-stop (hunting) = 10 times per day (for few days)
    • Non-stop (hunting) = Little bit less than 10 times per day, but without killing back (for few days)
    • Killing is ALLOWED, even all map clear or killing someone for multiple times is not punishable, BUT if it continues many days straight for one specific player/group of players, even if they change locations and "hunting starts", then player is warned or in some cases straight banned.
    • If player killed his "killer" same amount of times or hunted him as well, no one gets punished, BUT if player killed his killer only for 1-3 times on defending himself (not hunting, BUT DEFENDING), then killer can get punished.
    • Guild vs Guild issues is not really counted in here (when it's all guild vs all guild).
    • This rule is purely for players who hate someone/specific group (no matter in which guild you are).

    Swearing / Family Abuse:

    • Swearing, using bad words and bad behaviour: warning / mute 1-3 days.
    • Using bad words about family, family abuse: mute 1-3 days / ban 1-3 days / perm.


    • There is no reason to use more than 5 accounts. If you are caught using too many accounts (more than 5), all or some of your accounts might lead to a ban and/or IP-range ban permanently (depending on the case) or they will be just deleted.
    • At registration enter the correct account details, because the administration does not change any account information!


    • After account is fully activated (by the activation link we sent to your e-mail) you also accept to subscribe to latest community game server launchers (related server openings, etc.).
    • Administration does not return any lost characters or items (no matter if its by mistake or ANY other kind of issue, like connection issue, server bug, etc.).
    • We are not changing accounts passwords, do not make kickbacks if you are robbed or allegedly robbed. Protect your property and your characters by themselves.
    • We are not exchanging or returning back any Coins, Gold Coins for item you have bought in Webshop/Market, think twice before buying any item or feel free to ask question to EliteMU Staff about item!


    • You accept to subscribe to the latest community news (about server openings, etc.), which is related and mentioned in the rule: 2. Account, 1)
    • You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the administration on any of our platforms (by Support Tickets, Forum, or Discord).

    Character Name:

    • Characters name and Guilds can not contain Administrator and GM nicknames. You may not impersonate or present yourself to be a representative of the RoyalMu staff. Permanent ban on all accounts and IP range.
    • The character and guild names you choose must not contain any offensive language at all. Sexual, racism, or in any way discriminatory content is not tolerated. The administration will not change any nicknames, if you break these rules you will be banned for 1-3 days. If you do not change your nickname/guild name after the first time, then next time you will be banned for 7 days or permanently.
    • The character and guild names can not be used (stole) or have similar character names as another player, in other words - players can not pretend to be someone else and use another player's name, if you break these rules you will receive a warning or get banned 1-3 days.
    • The character and guild names can not contain any similar name to any of RoyalMu Admins, if you break these rules you will be banned 1-3 days or perm.

    Gold Coins (wCoins (C)):

    • Gold Coins can be earned and collected ONLY by players themselves by making resets and grand resets, selling items in the website's market winning some events, etc. - Gold Coins can not be bought for money!


    • You take full responsibility for whatever happens with your account. It's you who must keep hackers, evil friends, younger brothers and other potential threats away from your account.
    • The moment you have registered you are responsible if any of your item is lost or account data like "password" is changed from your account, RoyalMu Staff does not take any kind of responsibility.


    • Under any circumstances do not insult or harass other players. Your character or account will lead: mute for 1-3 days/ban 1-7 days / permanent ban (depending on the insulting / harassment).
    • You are not allowed to advertise other sites or games or even talk about it in-game or forum. Advertising, and discussing other gaming servers will lead to mute for 1-3 days/ban for 1-7 days / permanent ban (depending on the insulting / harassment).
    • You are not allowed to spam via the "/post" command, mute: 1-3 days. You can report someone for insulting or harassing you. All you have to do is take a screenshot from the chat log and post it in our forums. (do not change anything in the screenshot)


    • You are not allowed to create/make lags in order to kill players/monsters faster, of course, if someone will be reported, we will trace his IP, to check from where he is, so we will avoid banning users who are "too far from the server" or "who has very bad internet".
    • Cheating, such as item duping, speed hacking, intelligent bots, are forbidden = account and IP ban permanently!
    • Party members who have cheater in their party and do not make report to admin, also can be banned 1-3 days or permanently (depending on situation).
    • Any kind of Auto scripts/bots are forbidden to use and can result in perm ban.
    • VOTING: Can not have/be Top Voter with more than 1 account, players who are Coins harvesters or players who abuse EliteMU top voter rewards will not be received on more than one account (you can vote, but only 1 account will be counted in top 10).


    • It is forbidden to use bugs and various programs for hacking the game and website, modify the files of the game client files and/or launcher, as well as help other players or persuade them to commit these acts. Even a failed attempt is a violation. (if you break this rules you will be banned from 1 day / permanent on account and IP address).
    • If you find any administration mistakes, bugs in game server or website you need to report to RoyalMu Staff - so they can fix it! (using administrator mistakes to earn levels, zen, items, Coins, Gold Coins or other things - can result to be banned from 1 day to permanent). If you have found a new bug, report it immediately to administration on the forum.


    • Buying and Selling accounts for real money is prohibited. All RoyalMu accounts, items and any RoyalMu related is a property of the server owner. RoyalMu does not support account selling and buying and does not take any kind of responsibility in such a trades.
    • Remember, players also could be a scammers and RoyalMu Staff will not return any lost items/accounts/characters, you take full responsibility about your actions of your account.

    Castle Siege & Guild War:

    • [Castle Siege] Guild must have at least 5 members/can not make fake registrations - otherwise your guild can be removed from registration/punished with 1 day ban for Guild Master.
    • [Castle Siege] Guilds who are registered and accepted in CS Fight, can help to other guilds - it's a free war.
    • If you started a guild war, you need to complete it till the end. If you left guild war, guild master can receive 1 day ban, if there is no explanation! (If you have guild war and some master left the guild war you need take print screenshot and insert it in our forum).

    Game Master Rules:

    • GM are allowed disconnect/mute even ban player for few minutes, if player break the rules or disturb GM in any way.
    • GM are not allowed disconnect players without any reasons.
    • GM are not allowed from staff account help players with levels, items, Coins, Gold Coins or in any other similar way.
    • GM are not allowed kill other players, only allow if player disturbing on event.
    • GM are not allowed help friends or players in event.GM are allowed disconnect/mute/ban players if player has violated community rules.
    • GM are allowed unban characters/accounts which were banned by him, GM are not allowed unblock other GM blocked accounts/characters, only in case if ban time is expired.
    • GM can make maximum 3 events per 1 week and minimum need make 1 event per 30 days.
    • GM are allowed ignore players who ask for things like free items/Coins/Gold Coins/Zen/Leveling and similar things.

    Orders and Purchases (donate):

    • Donator (donations) = player who have made Orders and Purchases bought by real money.
    • Any kind of donations made are non-refundable. We do not refund any kinds of donations.
    • If you have made donation once or 100 times, it doesn't matter, you are still equal with any other player(s) who hasn't made any donation at all.
    • Players who have made donation don't have more importance in what they say than any other players. This means, that every player is equal and donators are to be treated equally the same as 'non-donators'.
    • If any community rule is broken by donator - it will be punished accordingly (related to its case) just like any other player.
    • If for any reason a donator gets banned, all items in his account(s) will be blocked along with the account. It will also not be returned to him/her under any circumstances.
    • Refund attempt: if you make refund to any of your donations, your account will be banned permanently, all purchased items confiscated and email will be blacklisted and will not be able to make any new donations now and in the future anymore. The only way to unblock access - is to cancel refund.

    Digital products (Virtual Currency)

    • We do not issue refunds for digital products (Virtual Currency) once the order is submitted.
    • We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or using our products or services.


    The RoyalMu Community Rules are subject to change at any time and players are responsible for accustoming to the changes. This page does not cover all the rules (just the main and most important ones), and if RoyalMu Staff finds an unfitting behavior from any member of the RoyalMu Community - he might receive punishment without warning.

    This is a free-to-play private server. We do things differently than any other server(s). If you despise the game, Staff, or the game settings then please feel free to leave.
